Posted by SainSmart on

(Provide by Chandra S** D**, a member of Genmitsu FB Group)

This is a simple calculation of chip load based on data available over the internet. Please follow these steps to see if it works for you,

Calculate CNC Speeds and Feeds with Suggested Chip Load for Common Tool Diameters


  • ○ Step 1 - Type in Feed rate in in/min (mm/min will be calculated from it)
  • ○ Step 2 - Pick the suggested chip load based on your material type and tool diameter. (min/max)
  • ○ Step 3 - Based on number of flutes in your tool, choose the RPM which falls in the ideal range selected in Step 2


Note - Most DC motors have very low torque at lower RPM and may slow down or stop if RPM goes too low.



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