Posted by SainSmart on

Written by Graham

There are three modules, from the box labels (Website designations shown in brackets):

  • 101-63-GGW-J (GGW-JTAG)
  • 101-63-GGW-U (GGW-UART)
  • 101-63-GGW-U232 (GGW-U232)

What is common to them all

  • Each module has an Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4 WiFi chip This is a dual core 32 bit microprocessor providing 2.4G WiFi up to 150Mbps with an onboard antenna, and Bluetooth but I don’t think this is used.
  • A micro SD card slot fitted with a 1GB Micro SD card. Only files in the root directory of the SD card are recognised, subdirectories are not supported.
  • The stated WiFi Range is 20m (65.6’)
    • NOTE: To use the App the WiFi module must be in range of both the Phone and an internet connected router.
  • All contain the same instruction leaflet.
  • Each module has provision for a 5 Pin download port for updating the firmware. BUT these are just the connecting holes, you are going to need a soldering iron and other equipment to use this port.I only mention it as it is mentioned in specifications on the SainSmart website.
  • Each module has a push switch just marked as SW1, I have no idea what this does, on the U and U232 modules the case makes this switch inaccessible. But an educated guess is that if held down on power on it is something to do with firmware updates. Even if you can I strongly suggest you don’t try pressing it!

The individual details of each package are: (Please remember these are very early releases for testing)


Which Module fits which Router



Router Port



3018 PROVer


10 Pin JTAG to JTAG




4Pin Dupont to 8 Pin JTAG


3020-PRO MAX


4Pin Dupont to 8 Pin JTAG


3020-PRO MAX V2


Direct connection.


3030 PROVer MAX


4Pin Dupont M to F




4Pin Dupont M to F*




4Pin Dupont M to F


PROVerXL 4030 V1


8 Pin JTAG to JTAG


PROVerXL 4030 V2


8 Pin JTAG to JTAG


PROVerXL 6050


8 Pin JTAG to USB A*

*Some early models may have problems, see installation below for details.


My Phone

The phone I am using for this review is a Motorola E13, the basic model with 2GB of RAM,  running Android 13 Go. By no means is this a top end phone!

I apologise in advance, while I am PC literate I am a mobile dinosaur, all I use my phone for is making and receiving calls, sending and receiving texts and taking pictures, apart from a very few forays into simple apps such as decibel meters. For everything else I use my PC. I have discovered that I can take a screenshot rather than use my webcam to take bad still pictures of the screen though.

NOTE: The make and model of your phone will affect the way it behaves, Android or Apple? Which specific version also can play a large part, so please use any phone features shown, such as some screens in installing the app, installing a WiFi Module, loading a file etc. as guidelines The details are probably different on your phone, maybe slightly, maybe totally!


Installing a WiFi Module

General rules

Don’t block the signal

If your router has a metal case around the control board do not be tempted to place the WiFi Module inside the case, the metal will block any WiFi signal. Also be careful where you place the WiFi Module generally to make sure the signal is not blocked by anything.

Concurrency of connections

On many models it will be physically impossible to connect an offline controller AND a WiFi Module at the same time as they use the same connections. Also these routers share the offline controller serial port connections with the USB cable so a USB cable and a WiFi module (or offline controller) must not be connected at the same time, they will interfere with each other.

For some routers where the connection is internal it is physically possible to connect a USB cable, Offline Controller and WiFi Module at the same time, I think without interference but I have not extensively tested this. However trying to USE more than one at the same time, well imaging someone giving instructions into your left ear at the same time as someone else is giving different instructions into your right ear!

Connecting the Cable

Most of the cable connectors ae keyed so would be difficult to insert the wrong way round.

However the 4 pin dupont connector on the GGW-UART module is not keyed, make sure it is inserted Black wire (Gnd) to the left, Red (+V) to the right looking from the bottom of the WIFi Module. And check the correct polarity on the Router Mainboard connector. The pins should be labelled on the board.

Connecting to your router

These are specific installation instructions for each router, most are just plug it in, some are a little more detailed.

3018 PROVer V2

This is not currently supported; the WiFi module is still to be released.


Early models of the 4040-PRO do not have the requisite 4 pin connector on the rear of the control board, please check. I have a very early model so I have not tried the WiFi module on the PRO but it should be exactly the same as on the Reno.

SainSmart will be releasing an upgraded control board in the very near future which will be compatible with the WiFi Module. You will have to upgrade the board to use a WiFi Module.

The Installation instructions should be very similar to the 4040-Reno.


Getting to the back of the control board to access the 4 Pin WiFi connector is a real pain. Please SainSmart either pre-install a 4-pin Dupont connector cable leaving the end hanging, the quickest and cheapest option, or preferably add an internal cable from the board connector to an accessible socket position!!

You will need two tie wraps.

  1. Remove all external cabling from the control board, you will have to cut and remove the tie wraps on the control board to breakout box cable to remove the connector.
  2. Remove the 4 screws holding the outer case on. Take care when lifting the router to access the lower screws as the X carriage will move under gravity.
  3. Remove the 4 screws, one in each corner, holding the board to the rear of the case.
  4. Carefully remove the control board, it is a tight fit between the case screw inserts. Slide the board a little to the front of the router so the board sockets clear the case, then it should lift out.
  5. Fit the 4 pin male connector into the WiFi module socket at the rear of the board. Make sure the polarity is correct, the Board connector pins are marked, On the cableBlack is Gnd, Red is +.
  6. Feed the cable through the cable slot at the rear of the case.
  7. Slide the board back into the case, there is a cutout at the bottom rear of the board next to the power connection which takes the black and white connector cables, slot them in and make sure they run behind the board as the board is replaced.
  8. Re-attach the board into the case using all 4 screws.
  9. Re-attach the outer case using all 4 screws.
  10. Plug in all the cables removed earlier.
  11. Replace the tie wraps holding the main cable to the breakout board in place.NOTE: A pair of small pliers will help feed the tie wraps through the slots. It is essential that this cable is secured or the connector will slowly be pulled off the control board.
  12. As you are re-assembling and attaching all the cables take care, if you dislodge a cable inside the case or do not fully seat the external cables you will have problems!
  13. Connect the WiFi Module to the Dupont cable connector ensuring that the polarity is correct, Gnd to Black and + to Red.

3020-PRO MAX V2

Install the module directly onto the control board, an installation guide can be found here:

3030 PROVer MAX

The control board and case are attached to the back of the gantry by 4 screws, remove these and the board and case will detach exposing the rear of the board, you may need to disconnect some cables first.

The 4 pin connector slides onto the boards female 4 pin connector, the black and red wires must be in the Gnd and +V positions respectively.

NOTE: This is not the supplied cable but one I made up so I can swap the WiFi module between routers easily, the middle wire colours are different.

There is no easy exit route for the cable. It is a plastic case so you could just route it out between the side of the case and the gantry. Or it can fit through the cutouts at the edge under the MPG port which is my preference.

Then replace the 4 screws and any cabling.

PROVerXL 6050

The WiFi module connects via the 4 pin to USB A cable plugged into the front of the control box.

The first batch of control boards for the 6050 have an error which only affects the use of the WiFi module. If you try and connect the App to WiFi module and get the error “Warn: WiFi module not connected or ESTOP Button issue.” And you have checked that the Estop button is released, email [email protected] including your proof of purchase for a replacement 6050 control board.

Mine was an early one, an updated control board solved the problem!

All others

This covers the 3018 PROVer, 3018-PRO, 3020-PRO MAX, PROVerXL 4030 V1, PROVerXL 4030 V2. I mention this only because over time there will be new and updated models!

  • Identify the Offline controller port on the router board and plug the connecting cable from the WiFi Module in.
  • Do not connect the WiFi Module and the USB cable to a PC at the same time, they will interfere with each other.

Connecting a WiFi Module

NOTE: For fairly obvious reasons a WiFi Module needs to be connected for the main app screen to work. Sorry but if you are just wanting to check out the app without a WiFi Module this is as far as you can go but please read on.

You can access the Router Bits Reference guide though, just click on the top right settings icon and select Router Bits Reference.

There is an App Operation Guide on the SainSmart website which covers the essentials of connecting to a WiFi Module, the exact details will depend on your make and model of phone though. My experience is slightly different.

The Process to go through is:

  • Install the App.
  • Power on the WiFi Module you want to connect to, if you have multiple modules I suggest installing them one at once with only one powered on at a time to make identification easier. For each module:
    • Select the WiFi module to set up.
    • Tell the WiFi module what the primary Internet connection is.
    • Tell the WiFi Module the password for the primary Internet connection.
    • Switch your phone back to the primary internet connection so it can access the internet.

This only needs doing once for each WiFi module.


  • As you have to connect the WiFi Module to your Internet router it must be in range of the Internet router to set it up, and to use it.
  • Finding Wi fi modules is not instantaneous. If they don’t appear use refresh!
  • If you have multiple WiFi Modules make a note of the SSID and what router it is attached to.

The WiFi Module has two LEDs a red one and a blue one:

  • Red shows the connection status of the Module to the Internet. In order to function the WiFi module must have an active internet connection.
    • Flashing is not connected to the Internet.
    • On is connected to the Internet.
    • Off means no power!
  • Blue indicates that the WiFi Module is active with the phone, you can have more than one Module on different routers but only one can be active at a time.
    • On is this module is active with the App.
    • Off is this module is not active with the App. NOTE: The LED will go out, depending on your app and phone settings if the phone sleeps or the app calls something like the file explorer.

Adding another WiFi Module

The App can only control one router at a time, however once a job has been started the App can be disconnected from the current WiFi Module and another one selected.

The process is exactly the same as adding the first one, just select the new Gmt_.... SSID of the new module.

To delete a module, go to your phones internet settings and forget it.


Router bits Reference

A searchable bit database. This is preloaded with the range of SainSmart Genmitsu router bits with some suggested speeds/feeds for various operations and materials. You can add your own bits and edit the defaults.

On the top line of the main reference screen the Ouberos circle is reset, it deletes all selection criteria you may have entered.

At the top of the screen are a number of selection criteria plus a keyword search box and action.

Below this is the scrollable list of bits found

The selection criteria are:

  • Measure Unit (mm or inch)
  • Material (Acrylic, Hardwood, Softwood)
  • Operation (Roughing, Finishing)
  • Bits Type (Ball Nose, Flat Engraving, Radiused Engraving, Slot Drill, V-Bit)
  • Diameters (each possible diameter of a bit)Cut Diameter is a better title. This is an impossibly long list and has sorting errors. The list shows, for example, 1.9 10 12.7 16 2 2.1 in that order.

The Database seems to be very monolithic with a separate entry for each combination of selection criteria, so with no selection criteria the V 10° engraving [EM03A] Chromatic [1F] has eight separate entries, 3 using mm 5 using inches, etc. Unfortunately each entry although it shows the units, does not show which Material, Operation… the entry is for.

The only practical way to use the database is to select the Units, Material and Operation before browsing the database. These selections must be made each time the Database is opened.

I have not spent a lot of time on this but to add a tool the units, material, operation, bit type and diameter must be entered in the selection criteria before selecting add tool. Then the name feed and speed parameters can be entered. The selections are mainly obscured while the feeds and speeds are entered so remember them.

I do not understand the way adding a new group works and have not yet investigated.


File Load

This is not just a File Load; it also controls the running of a file.

At the top of the pane is the load file line, the first part lists the file extensions which are recognised as Gcode files.

Click the Folder Icon to load or select a file to run.

The files screen is shown, this may seem a little confusing at first, that is because it is.

At the top is a back button and Edit. Edit is actually select files to delete, you cannot edit the Gcode files.

Then there are two panes, Files in the SD card and Latest Processing File both show file lists and allow a file to be selected.

At the bottom are two buttons Open and Upload.


NOTE: I find this to be very immature and not intuitive to use. It may be just me but I had difficulty in understanding what was going on. I expect this to change in later releases.

As such I have modified this part of the review into a how to. I think there are three things that you will want to do.

  • Add a file using the App or directly to the SD card
  • Delete a file from the App and or from the SD card
  • Select a file to run either from the App or from the SD card

If a file is loaded from the App while it is being downloaded to the WiFi Module it is analysed, the details that are displayed in the Overview are determined, cutting time, maximum federate and the job dimensions. This analysis is also used to determine the job outline.

If the file is copied directly to the SD Card the app is not involved, when selected to be run no analysis is performed and so the overview details cannot be displayed and no job outline is available.

Click here to read: Full version in PDF.

Click here to find more: Genmitsu APP resource


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